Monday 17 December 2018

Bread making

This term, Y3 have been exploring bread. They have tasted bread, designed their own bread roll and last week they had the chance to practise their baking skills by making the bread.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Chedworth Roman Villa

On Monday 19th November, Year 3 went to visit Chedworth Roman Villa. On this day we had the opportunity to hold artifacts, make medicine and have a look around a villa.

Thursday 4 October 2018

Romans Rule!

Our topic this term is Romans Rule! We had a fantastic wow day where we made shields, swords and mosaics. We used our shields and swords to role play being Roman soldiers.

Thursday 28 June 2018

Visit to the Hindu Temple

On Thursday 28th June, Y3 and 4 visited the Hindu Temple.

As we entered the Temple we had to remove our shoes as a sign of respect. The Priest of the Temple then spoke to us about what happened in the Temple, how Hindu's respected their Temple and answered lots of questions for us as well. We had a fantastic visit to the Temple.

Friday 22 June 2018

Sports Day!

On Friday 22nd June, it was KS2's Sports Day. All the children competed in their houses - they wore bands of their house colour and had their faces painted.

The children then took part in many different events:

The long jump - the children had to jump as far as they could from a point.

An obstacle course around the playground: 

A sack race

Shot put




To finish the sports day we had different tug of war competitions between the houses:

Finally we had a staff Vs Parents Tug of War competition:

Thursday 21 June 2018

The Forest of Dean Railway

On Wednesday 20th June, Y3 visited the Forest of Dean Railway.

We went for a ride around the Forest of Dean on a steam train. We all needed our own ticket which needed to be stamped by the train conductor.

We had the opportunity to look in the steam train museum with a guided tour.

We had a great day!

Thursday 14 June 2018

The Life Bus

On Wednesday 13th June, Y3 had the opportunity to visit the life bus. We began by learning about different organs in the body. We needed to name the different organs and identify their functions. We then explored the brain further.

When exploring the brain we looked at ways in which the messages traveled around the body.

We wanted to pass a message from our brain through the nerves to make the hand wave. We then wanted to pass a message through the nerves to make the hand stop waving. We were all very successful.

Finally, we improved our pulse rate by dancing and discussed what other things we could do to increase our pulse rate.

Tuesday 12 June 2018


Over the last half term Y3, have had the opportunity to learn and develop their drama skills with Mrs Twaits from Bristol Grammar School.

This week we were exploring a story called 'The Fire Children'.

We then had to think about questions to ask the characters. This gave us a great opportunity to practise using our question words.

In our pairs we then discussed different adjectives to describe the characters in the story then used freeze frames to act out the adjectives. 

Y3 greatly enjoyed learning about 'The Fire Children' and can't wait to retell it during their next drama session. 

Friday 20 April 2018

Wow Day!

On Friday 20th April, we had our wow day. Our theme this term is Bristol, so we dressed up as pirates and sailors. Our main focus for the day was exploring the life of Blackbeard who was a pirate who was born in Bristol. We made pirate hats, wrote wanted posters and we also created some biscuits which pirates would have eaten. The biscuits didn't contain any sugar but we all still liked them very much!