Monday 26 March 2018

Bristol Neuroscience event

On Thursday 22nd March Y3 had the opportunity to visit Bristol University to experience a neuroscience event. During the event, we learnt lots about how our brains worked and made brain hats.

We had a variety of glasses that were different shapes and sizes. We needed to fill them so they were exactly one half full.

Our brain hats!

Thursday 8 March 2018

Our trip to the Bristol Museum

On Thursday 8th March, we visited the Bristol Museum. To begin the day we explored the exhibits in the museum. These included looking at dinosaurs as well as developing our science topic knowledge by looking at some rocks and fossils.

During the afternoon we took part in a 'Dinosaur Take over work shop'. We explored what dinosaurs ate, fossils, which dinosaur was the strongest as well as digging for fossils.

We had a fantastic day, and we have learnt so much which will help us with our learning within the classroom.
Thank you to the Bristol Museum!

Monday 5 March 2018

French landmarks

During our French learning with Mrs Cartlidge we have been learning about French landmarks. We have actions linked to the landmarks. We practised the vocabulary and actions and have now been putting them into sentences. Can you work out what our sentences say?