Monday 26 February 2018

Walk around St Pauls

For our literacy learning this week we are writing poems about our local area, St Pauls. On Monday morning, we went for a (cold!) walk around St Pauls and had a look at a few different places which we could include in our poems.

There is also a lot of building work happening in St Pauls. We began to think about what could be being built there and what some of the machines might be used for.

We are now, greatly, looking forward to writing our poems and we have lots of ideas!

Friday 9 February 2018

Maths Week - Making pizzas!

As part of maths week we were set the challenge to make and sell something at the fair. We were given a budget of £15 to buy all of the equipment and we were aiming to make a profit. We decided that we wanted to make cheese and tomato pitta pizzas.

We needed to carefully spread the tomato puree onto the pitta breads then sprinkle them with cheese.

We were all very happy with our pizza creations!

After we had baked them in the oven, we needed to taste them before we sold the pizzas. They all tasted delicious!

Maths Week - Fraction pizza making!

As part of maths week we were looking at developing our fraction knowledge. To help us with our fractions we created Fraction Pizzas. We split our pizzas in to pieces, decorated them, then calculated what fraction of ingredients we had used on our pizzas.

Friday 2 February 2018

Rocks experiment

As part of our topic this half term we are looking at rocks and soils. We investigated which rocks were absorbs the water and which ones let the water roll off. We were focusing on making sure our experiment was fair by using the same amount of water drops and waiting the same amount of time.

Measuring length

This week we have been measuring length accurately using a ruler. We looked at the length of items around the classroom, then we organised them from the shortest to the longest. Some us even tried to convert between the different units.